B.u.W Schmidt GmbH

Metal Drills

Rarni Quilt Cover Set – Steel Grey

Our denim quilt cover is the real deal. The genuine article. Enzyme washed, double stitched, complete with brass zippers on the euros, we just know youll end up loving this bedlinen even more than your favourite pair of jeans.

SKU 0368974821-1-1 Category Tags , ,


The textile, textile product, and apparel manufacturing industries include establishments that process fiber into fabric and fabric into clothing and other textile products. While most apparel manufacturers worldwide rely on people to cut and sew pieces of fabric together.


Fiber or filament: type, size, length.
Yarn: diameter, twist, weight or size.
Weight: ounces per squared or yards.
Thickness: vertical depth.


Woven fabrics: weave type, warp.
Knitted fabric: knit type, wale and course.
Finishes: chemicals such as resins.
Calendaring and napping applied to the woven fabric.




Product Certification

A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin, also known as a Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin, is a specified document certifying the country.
<?php the_title(); ?> Rarni Quilt Cover Set – Steel Grey


<?php the_title(); ?> Rarni Quilt Cover Set – Steel Grey


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